Black Kindergarten Sweat Top #
Black Kindergarten Bottoms
White Kindergarten Polo Shirt #
Red Kindergarten Gilet #
White Socks
Red Puddle Suit #
Wellington Boots
Waterproof Coat (with hood)
Basic items (ie: white socks, wellington boots, waterproof coat) can be purchased from any high street store.
Items marked with a hash tag (#) are essential and only available from the College shop (apart from the puddle suit, which may be purchased from the College Shop or other suppliers).
Junior School - Prep 1 to 3
Grey Shirt
House Tie (Vye, Sutton or Lace)
Grey CCJS Jumper
Grey Shorts
CCJS Socks
Black School Shoes (Prep 1&2 shoes to have Velcro fastening)
Black CCJS Coat
CCJS Book Bag
CCJS Back Pack (parents are welcome to purchase a black back pack from other suppliers)
During the dark evenings and early mornings, it would be advisable to have some form of reflective material attached to your son’s coat
and bag(s)
This may be worn during the months of September, May and June.
White CCJS Polo Shirt
Grey CCJS Jumper
Grey Shorts
White Cotton Ankle Socks
Black School Shoes (Prep 1&2 shoes to have Velcro fastening)
White CCJS Polo Shirt (Prep 1)
Black CCJS Short-Sleeved PE Shirt (Preps 2&3)
Black CCJS Shorts
CCJS Tracksuit
Black CCJS Fleece (an optional item of sports kit for Prep 1-3 pupils)
Black Gym Shoes in a Black CCJS Draw-string Bag (Prep 1)
Training Shoes (Prep 2&3)
Back Pack containing swimming trunks (own choice), goggles (optional) and a towel
Please ensure that all items (clothing and shoes) are clearly marked with your son’s name.
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Junior School - Prep 4 to 7
Grey Shirt
House Tie (Vye, Sutton or Lace)
Grey Jumper (optional)
Grey Shorts
CCJS Blazer
CCJS Socks
Black School Shoes
Black CCJS Coat
School Bag (own choice)
During the dark evenings and early mornings, it would be advisable to have some form of reflective material attached to your son’s coat
and bag(s).
Black CCJS Short-Sleeved PE Shirt
Black CCJS Games Shirt
Black CCJS Shorts
Black CCJS Socks
Gym Shoes / Trainers
Football Boots
Shin Pads & Gum Shields (as required for football, mini-rugby and hockey)
CCJS Tracksuit
Black CCJS Fleece (an optional item of sports kit for Prep 4-7 pupils)
Swimming Trunks (own choice)
Goggles (optional)
Please ensure that all items (clothing & shoes) are clearly marked with your son’s name.
Senior School
Blazer #
Black school trousers
V-neck pullover *
White shirts
School Tie # (in House colours)
CCB Raincoat *
CCB Black PE T-shirt #
CCB Black PE shorts #
CCB Black Rugby Jersey *
CCB Black Rugby shorts *
CCB Tracksuit *
CCB Hoody *
CCB Games socks
Basic items (e.g. trousers, shirts) can be purchased from any high street store.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are only available from the College shop.
Items marked with a hash tag (#) are essential and only available from the College shop.